1: Framing Arts and Cultural Management Reading

Brockington, G., 2009. Introduction: Internationalism and the Arts. In: G. Brockington, ed. Internationalism and the Arts in Britain and Europe at the Fin de Siècle. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 1 – 24.

Dragićević Šešić, M., 2015. Capacity-building programmes: Keeping institutional memory and regional collective consciousness alive. In: P. Dietachmair, and M. Ilić, eds., Another Europe: 15 Years of Capacity Building with Cultural Initiatives in the EU Neighbourhood, Amsterdam: EU Cultural Foundation, 101 – 117. Available from: http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/library/another_europe [Accessed 18 May 2016]

Dubois, V., with Lepaux, V., 2016. Culture as Vocation. trans J. Bart. Abingdon: Routledge.

Henze, R., 2016. How Globalization affects arts managers, in: Arts Management Quarterly, No. 124, p. 19-14. Available at: http://artsmanagement.net/images/file/newsletter/AMN_Quarterly_124.pdf

Hernandez-Acosta, J., 2013. Differences in Cultural Policy and Its Implications for Arts Management: Case of Puerto Rico. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 43(3), pp. 125-138.

Mandel, B., Allmanritter, V. 2016.– Internationalization in the professional field of arts management – effects, challenges, future goals and tasks for arts/cultural managers in international context, in: Cultural Management Education in Risk Societies. Towards a Paradigm and Policy Shift, ENCATC.

Jacobsen, U., 2015. Cosmopolitan sensitivities, vulnerability and Global Englishes. Language and Intercultural Communication,  15(4), pp. 459-474.

Otsuji, E., and Pennycook, A., 2010. Metrolingualism: fixity, fluidity and language in flux. International Journal of Multilingualism, 7(3), pp. 240-254.

Singh, J.P., 2007. Culture or commerce? A comparative assessment of international interactions and developing countries at UNESCO, WTO, and beyond. International studies perspectives8(1), pp.36-53.