Leonie Hodkevitch

Leonie-Hodkevitch_-credits-fordewind-architectureWhile our time together in Zurich has been over a month ago now, impressions have not faded away, but in fact have been sharpened and are appreciated even more. From the very first moment, the welcoming atmosphere created by our three hosts led to openness on one’s own projects as well as to collegial curiosity towards the others. It is remarkable that within a few hours, less than two days, we learned so much from and about each other. This was due to the careful selection of interesting participants and the elaborated schedule of masterminds Raphaela and Victoria.

I equally enjoyed the threefold aspects the format offered – individual inputs, discussions and informal dialogue. Discussions were so honest and productive that one might have wished them to last longer. Each speaker respected the group’s time balance and interests. Already towards the end of the first day we had created the camp fire feeling I believe will be remembered by us for good. Immersing ino the colleagues’ field of work was an adventure we gladly undertook, and as usual we found some answers for own questions and some inspiring gold power for the future.

As a result, I think that, while discovering cultural differences, we realized we can assess challenges and developments by similar or common strategies. And here is where I see a lot of poptential for collaboration and exchange. It is by personal communication at events like this that we can build a solid base for empowerment and growing a functioning network. It will be great if we can follow-up and give the ‘Zurich spirit’ a chance to trigger something new. You can count on me in this endeavour.

Leonie Hodkevitch, Clearly Culture

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