General Reading

We compiled a reading list of relevant literature which was posted here throughout the duration of the network. Specific reading suggested for each seminar is available on a separate page. Please see the drop down menu under the heading, Literature.

Anheier, H. and Isar, Y.R., 2010. Cultural Expression, Creativity and Innovation, The Cultures and Globalization Series, 3. London: SAGE Publications.

Ashley, S.L., 2016. Re-colonizing spaces of memorializing: The case of the Chattri Indian Memorial, UK. Organization, 23(1), pp.29-46.

Bharucha, R., 2000. The Politics of Cultural Practice: Thinking Through Theatre in an Age of Globalization. London: Athlone Press.

Bennett, T., 1995. The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics. Abingdon: Routledge.

Bennett, T., 2001. Differing diversities: Transversal study on the theme of cultural policy and cultural diversity. Brussels: Council of Europe.

Brockington, G. ed. 2009.  Internationalism and the Arts in Britain and Europe at the Fin de Siècle. Bern: Peter Lang.

Carty, H. 2014. Democraticising Cultural Institutions—A Challenge for Europe. A Challenge for Culture. In Henze, R., and Wolfram, G., Eds.,  Exporting Culture: Which Role for Europe in a Global World?. Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 63-76.

Caust, J., ed., 2015. Arts and Cultural Leadership in Asia, Abingdon: Routledge.

Cowan, T., 2002. Creative destruction: How Globalisation is Changing the World’s Cultures. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Delanty, G., 2009. The Cosmopolitan Imagination. The Renewal of Critical Social Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

DeVereaux, C., 2009. Practice versus a discourse of practice in cultural management. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society39(1), pp. 65-72.

Dewey, P. and Wyszomirski, M., 2004. International Issues in Cultural Policy and Administration: A Conceptual Framework for Higher Education” In International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Montreal, Quebec. Available at: http://neumann. hec. ca/iccpr/PDF_Texts/Dewey_Wyszomirski.Pdf [Accessed 22 Mar 2016]

Dragićević-Šešić, M. and Dragojević, S., 2005. Arts management in turbulent times: Adaptable quality management: Navigating the arts through the winds of change. European Cultural Foundation. Available from: [Accessed 6 January 2017]

Šešić, M.D. and Dragojević, S., 2006. Imagined or Real Divides?. In Transcultural Europe (pp. 43-56). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Dragićević-Šešić, M., 2008. New Learning Strategies; Peer learning as the method in the teaching cultural cooperation in Europe. In Vujanović, A. and Šuvaković, M. eds., (responsible editor)TkH 15 – SELF-EDUCATION: “GOAT TRACKS OF SELF-EDUCATION”. Belgrade: Caligraph. Available from: [Accessed 6 January 2017]

Dragićević Šešić, M. 2014. Diary from India: Meeting with Remarkable Women. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 5 January 2017].

Dragićević Šešić, M. and Mihaljinac, N. 2016. ‘Art Management Training and Technical Assistance Mission in the Third World: Political, Humanitarian and Cultural Diplomacy Agendas (MENA Region)’ paper presented at the International Cultural Policy Research conference, Seoul Korea, 7 July .

Durrer, V. and O’Brien, D., 2014. “Rethinking Cultural Intermediaries: Negotiating Boundaries in the Arts. In J. Maguire and J. Matthews, eds. The Cultural Intermediaries Reader. London: Sage, pp. 100 – 112.

Durrer, V., Henze, R.,  Ross, I., 2016. Approaching an Understanding of Arts and Cultural Managers as Intercultural Brokers. Arts Management Quarterly, No 124, pp. 25 – 30. Available at:

Gaupp, L., 2016. Die exotisierte Stadt – Kulturpolitik und Musikvermittlung im postmigrantischen Prozess. New York: Georg Olms Verlag.Open Access Download Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag: Thesis (Dr. phil.). Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media.

Gaupp, L., Stiehler, M., Zauner, K., 2016. „Wissenschaft, Forschung, Ausbildung, Fortbildung“ – Diskussionsbericht. In: Ermert, K., ed. Chormusikkultur und Migrationsgesellschaft – Erhebungen und Überlegungen zu Kinder- und Jugendchören als Orte transkultureller Teilhabe. Wolfenbüttel: Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung, 179‑186.

Gaupp, L., 2015. Dekonstruktionen des „Anderen“ in Ethnologie und Soziologie – ein Plädoyer für eine postmigrantische Perspektive. Kultursoziologie, 02. 17-33.

Gaupp, L., 2012. Aspekte der Kultur- und Bildungspolitik in institutionellen transkulturellen Kontexten. In: Binas-Preisendörfer, S., Unseld, M., eds. Transkulturelle Musikvermittlung. Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen in Forschung, Kulturpolitik und musikpädagogischer Praxis. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Peter Lang, 153-170.

Gaupp, L., 2012. Musik in transkulturellen Kontexten. Eine kulturpolitische Analyse der Stadt Hamburg. In: Loos, H., ed. Musik – Stadt. Traditionen und Perspektiven urbaner Musikkulturen. Leipzig: Gudrun Schröder Verlag, 148-157.

Henze, R., 2018. Eurocentrism in European Arts Management. In: Dragicevic Sesic, M. & Vickery, J. (eds.), Cultural Policy and Populism, Cultural Policy Yearsbook, Istanbul Bilgi University 2017/2018, iletisim, 31 – 43.

Henze, R., 2014. Kultur im Off, Swiridoff Verlag, Künzelsau

Henze, R., 2014. Kultur und Management – Eine Annäherung, second edition, Springer VS, Wiesbaden

Henze, R., 2015. Internationales Kulturmanagement – Wie international ist unsere Kulturmanagementforschung und Kulturmanagementlehre?,  in KM Magazin, Heft 108, 13 – 17.

Henze, R. 2016. How Globalization affects arts managers. Arts Management Quartely, No. 124, 19 – 25.

Henze, R., 2016. Einführung in das Internationale Kulturmanagement, Springer VS Verlag, Wiesbaden.

Henze, R. 2017, Introduction to International Arts Management, Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Henze, R. 2017, Why we have to overcome paternalism in times of populism, in Dragisevic Sesic, Milena (ed)., Cultural Diplomacy: arts, festivals and geopolitics, pp. 73- 87.

Henze, R., and Wolfram, G. 2014. Exporting Culture – Which role for Europe in a Global World? Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Hesmondhalgh, D. and Saha, A., 2013. Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Production”. Popular Communication, 11(3), pp. 179-195.

Murji, K. and Solomos, J., eds., 2015. Theories of Race and Ethnicity: Contemporary Debates and Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Negus, K., 2002. The Work of Cultural Intermediaries and the Enduring Distance Between Production and Consumption. Cultural Studies, 16(4), pp. 501-515.

Paquette, J., and Redaelli, E., 2015. Arts Management and Cultural Policy Research. Springer.

Rösler, B., 2015. The case of Asialink’s arts residency program: towards a critical cosmopolitan approach to cultural diplomacy. International Journal of Cultural Policy21(4), pp. 463-477.

Ross, I. 2017. The Mobile Theatre Movement in India: a Success Story in Assam. New Theatre Quarterly, 33(1), pp. 65-77.  

Ross, I. 2017. Arts Management the Indian Way: Bangalore’s Ranga Shankara Theatre. International Journal of Arts Management, 19(2), pp. 59-69.   

Rowntree, J., Neal, L., and Fenton, R., 2010. International Cultural Leadership: Reflections, Competencies and Interviews, London: Cultural Leadership Programme.
Available at: [Accessed: 11 February 2016]

Singh, J., 2010. International Cultural Policies and Power, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Singh, J., 2011. Globalized arts: The entertainment economy and cultural identity, New York: Columbia University Press.

Singh, J.P., 2017. Sweet Talk: Paternalism and Collective Action in North-South Trade Relations. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Stevenson, D.,  Kann-Rasmussen, N., and Balling, G., 2015. Cultural participation in Europe: Shared problem or shared problematisation? International Journal of Cultural Policy, s. 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2015.1043290

Suteu, C., 2006. Another brick in the wall: A critical review of cultural management education in Europe, Amsterdam: Boekmanstudies.

Svašek, M., 2007. The Anthropology Art and Cultural Production: Histories, Themes, Perspectives. Pluto Press.

Svašek, M., 2012.  Moving subjects, moving objects: transnationalism, cultural production and emotions. Vol. 1. Berghahn Books, 2012.

Svašek, M., and Meyer, B., eds., 2016. Creativity in Transition: Politics and Aesthetics of Cultural Production Across the Globe (Vol. 6). Berghahn Books.

Tchouikina, S. 2010. The Crisis in Russian Cultural Management: Western Influences and the Formation of New Professional Identities in the 1990s–2000s. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 40(1), pp. 76-91

Wolfram, G., Sandrini, M., 2016. Teachers for Life. Empowerment of refugees to teach and share knowledge. Berlin: BoP-Publishing

Henze, R., and Wolfram, G., ed., 2013. Exporting culture. Which role for Europe in a global world? Berlin: Springer Verlag

Wolfram, G., ed., 2012. Kulturmanagement und Europäische Kulturarbeit. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag


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